20 Jul Mini Zoom Evening in French: 19 septembre 2022 Démystifier les radio-opacitées les plus fréquentes en radiologie 2D et 3D (Webinar)
Dr. Katya Archambault
Démystifier les radiopacitées les plus fréquentes en radiologie 2D et 3D.

Mini Zoom Evening in French
Comment démystifier les différentes radiopacitées!
19 septembre 2022
18h00 à 21h00 Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Registration fees: $299
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Weekdays 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
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San Diego Dental Health Center
9350 Campus Point Drive Suite 1D
La Jolla, CA 92037
Mini Zoom Evening
19 septembre 2022
18h00 à 21h00 Eastern Standard Time (EST)
- Discerner les lésions inflammatoires des lésions non-inflammatoires radio-opaques
- Cas cliniques
- ‘Incidental findings’ ou découvertes fortuites
- 3CE
Plusieurs entitées créent une apparence radio-opaque sur les différentes images radiologiques en dentisterie. Ces lésions peuvent être anodines, peuvent être d’origine endodontique, peuvent être parfois des lésions tumorales bénignes ou lésions malignes. Le but de ce webinar live est de démystifier les différentes apparences de ces lésions radio-opaques. Leur diagnostique et leur gestion peuvent-être parfois difficile. A travers plusieurs cas cliniques, nous évaluerons leur différentes apparences radiologiques selon leur emplacement et leur caractéristiques spécifiques. Comment reconnaître et différencier les différentes radiopacitées sur vos radiographies intra-orales , extra-orales et sur le scan 3D. Un cours super intéressant qui vous aidera au quotidien dans votre pratique dentaire dans le suivi et le traitement de ces lésions.

Dr. Katya Archambault
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist.
Adjunct Faculty Head and Neck Surgery and Otorynolaryngology UCSD.
Adjunct Faculty Department of Plastic Surgery UCSD.
Dr. Archambault received a Certificate in Implant Dentistry from NYU. She received her dental degree from Laval University and did a Certificate in Microbiology at that same university. She also received extensive TMJ training in Austria at Danube University.
Laval University
Created in 1852, Laval University is the original source of all French-language higher education in Québec, Canada, and North America. It has graduated the greatest number of the country’s and the province’s top officials.
NYU school of Dentistry
The New York University College of Dentistry educates nearly ten percent of our nation’s dentists. It offers graduate programs and clinical training in dentistry.
DPU Danube Private University
The Danube Private University was the first private university in Austria to have a Faculty of Medicine/Dentistry accredited. It has since acquired a wealth of experience in postgraduate and undergraduate programs and gained widespread international recognition.
University of California UCLA
UCLA is a public research university in Los Angeles. It became the Southern Branch of the University of California in 1919, the second-oldest undergraduate campus of the 10-campus University of California system.
American College of Prosthodontists
The American College of Prosthodontists is a not-for-profit organization representing prosthodontists within organized dentistry and to the public, with more than 3,700 members worldwide.
American Dental Association
The American Dental Association is an American professional association established in 1859 which has more than 161,000 members.
California State Dental Association
The California Dental Association (CDA) was founded nearly 150 years ago and is a community of dentists committed to enhancing the professional lives of our members—27,000.
American Academy of Osseointegration
The mission of the Academy of Osseointegration is to enhance oral health globally by advancing the science, practice and ethics of implant dentistry and tissue engineering. Membership now exceeds 5,600 professionals from more than 70 countries.
American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
The American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry was formed in 1975 and has members from throughout the United States and 11 other countries. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois the group is governed by an Executive Council.