Dental Oncology Specialized Diagnostics

Dental Oncology Specialized Diagnostic Services

Early oral cancer screening, preventive dentistry, correct diagnosis of oral pathologies and appropriate planning and dental treatment intervention is emphasized in our Dental Health Center as these measures save lives.

In the US every hour, 24 hours a day, someone dies of oral cancer. This year 42,000 people in the US will be diagnosed with oral cancer. The majority of diagnoses are late-stage cancer and have a 5-year survival rate of 43%. If caught in an early stage, the survival rate rises to 80%. The incidence of oral cancer is three times higher than cervical cancer. There are 2 main causes of oral cancer. The first is tobacco and alcohol use and the second is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The HP virus is also the cause of the vast majority of cervical cancers

In addition to conventional physical and radiological head and neck cancer examination, we have incorporated the latest diagnostic technologies

Velscope Technology

This technology allows us to clinically examine with more that naked eyes.

Although the only way to prove that the abnormal tissue is cancerous, is through biopsy, performed by the appropriate specialist, Velscope is a non-invasive screening device that has been approved by the FDA for not only finding the area of abnormal tissue but for helping locate the margin for surgery. Velscope is an ORAL CANCER SCREENING device. This scope raises the standard of examination care in our office. The Velscope allows us to find lesions that were otherwise not clearly visible to the naked eye under regular room light. Our office philosophy is that every patient should receive the screening evaluation at every dental exam appointment. This is a higher tier to the “standard of care”.

Velscope is a hand-held device that helps our professional team use it for the early detection of abnormal tissues in the mouth. It is used as an adjunctive aid in combination with traditional examination procedures.

How does it work?

A fluorescence visualization technology is used and emits a safe blue light into the oral cavity. It allows us to immediately view the different fluorescence responses to help differentiate between normal and abnormal tissue. Under the fluorescent light, the abnormal tissue typically appears as an irregular, dark area that stands out against the otherwise normal, green fluorescence pattern of surrounding healthy tissue. It is a painless, non-invasive and requires no rinsing or use of stains.

Why should you have a Velscope screening?

The Veloscope allows our specialists to monitor or to detect a suspicious area/lesion in your oral cavity.

In the US every hour, 24 hours a day, someone dies of oral cancer. This year 42,000 people in the US will be diagnosed with oral cancer. The majority of diagnoses are late-stage cancer and have a 5-year survival rate of 43%. If caught in an early stage, the survival rate rises to 80%. The incidence of oral cancer is three times higher than cervical cancer. There are 2 main causes of oral cancer. The first is tobacco and alcohol use and the second is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The HP virus is also the cause of the vast majority of cervical cancers

Early screening, diagnosis and treatment planning saves lives!

Schedule a free consultation