Great focus and attention has been given to the study of radiolucent periapical lesions to avoid possible misdiagnosis of apical periodontitis associated with certain radiolucent non-endodontic lesions. We know that odontogenic and non odontogenic lesion can over impose with the apex of a tooth. However, there are a significant number of well defined radiopaque lesions found in the jaws, which could be equally relevant to endodontic and general dental practice. The diagnosis and management of these radiopaque lesions could be challenging to the dentist. These bone alterations or lesions could be neoplastic, dysplastic or of metabolic origin. In the context of the more widespread use of cone-beam CT, a detailed review of radiopaque inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions may aid clinicians perform a differential diagnosis of these lesions. Distinguishing between inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions simplifies diagnosis and consequently aids in choosing the correct therapeutic regimen. This webinar reviews the clinical, radiographic, histological and management aspects of radiopaque lesions that the clinician can encounter in the jaws, and illustrates the differential diagnoses of these well defined lesions.
11 Courses
199 students